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Steven V. Smith  phone#(616) 634-2475
CPR STAR provides hands on up to date training/testing/certification following AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION programs. Flexible class times and locations including your home, school, business etc.
ALL students must prepay in full  per class to be scheduled.Scheduling will be minimum 14 days in advance. ALL rescheduling by student must be a minimum of 48 hours prior to scheduled class or tuition is forfeit. Cancellations by student minimum 48 hours prior to scheduled class will be charged a $15.00 fee. Cancellations less than 48 hours prior to scheduled class tuition is forfeit. CPR STAR reserves the right to reschedule for any reason any class up to 48 hours prior to scheduled time.

HEARTSAVER CPR is a basic cardio pulmonary resuscitation class. $30.00
AED is an Automated External Defibrilator training class. $40.00
BLS is Basic Life Support training includes CPR and AED. $50.00
FIRST AID training. $70.00
OSHA training. $15.00

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